買東西Career Paths-Food Service Industries Student’s Book with Cross-Platform Application好禮必備
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買東西Career Paths-Food Service Industries Student’s Book with Cross-Platform Application好禮必備曾在博客來 網路書店造成搶購熱潮。
內容簡介: Level: A1, A2 & B1
Career Paths: Food Service Industries is a new educational resource for food service professionals who want to improve their English communication in a work environment. Incorporating career-specific vocabulary and contexts, each unit offers step-by-step instruction that immerses students in the four key language components: reading, listening, speaking and writing. Career Paths: Food Service Industries addresses topics including parts of a restaurant, taking orders, food preparation, catering and career options.
博客來網路書店The series is organized into three levels of difficulty and offers a minimum of 400 vocabulary terms and phrases. Every unit includes a test of reading comprehension, vocabulary and listening skills and leads students through written and oral production.
博客來Included Features
?A variety of realistic reading passages
?Career-specific dialogues
?45 reading and listening comprehension checks
?Over 400 vocabulary terms and phrases
?Guided speaking and writing exercises
博客來網路書局?Complete glossary of terms and phrases
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新行銷聖經 | 行銷源典 | 聊天就能把東西賣掉! | |||
跟著王牌店員這樣賣東西 | 行銷源典(永久典藏版【硬精裝】) | Top Sales:成為頂尖業務絕對不能錯過的10堂課 |
- 新功能介紹 作者: Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley, Ryan Hallum
- 出版社:東華 新功能介紹
- 出版日期:2016/02/24
- 語言:英文
買東西Career Paths-Food Service Industries Student’s Book with Cross-Platform Application好禮必備
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