獨家款Tiger Time (3) Activity Book(1-e)排行榜
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獨家款Tiger Time (3) Activity Book(1-e)排行榜曾在博客來 網路書店造成搶購熱潮。
內容簡介: Description博客來
Tiger Time is a vibrant, six-level primary course based around different settings and characters which grow and change with the students, reflecting their evolving interests and needs.
Units contain humorous stories told through different genres, which use everyday language as well as catchy songs, chants and raps at the lower levels. Within each unit lessons are carefully structured focusing first on vocabulary, grammar and skills, and building to CLIL, culture and projects, allowing children to practise and consolidate their learning throughout the unit. Each unit ends with a review, encouraging active communication.
Written with classroom management in mind, activities are practical and well-staged. The accompanying Presentation Kit and Teacher's Resource Centre help teachers create dynamic lessons, which cater to diverse classroom situations. The Student's Resource Centre provides a home-school connection offering extra activities and support.
Activity Book
博客來書店 The Tiger Time Activity Book offers further skills practice, complementing the Student's Book, and provides activities that support mixed-ability classes. Children's literacy skills are developed while key language is reinforced.
?Supports the Student's Book with further skills practice
?Graded activities
博客來網路書店?Support for mixed-ability classes
?Reinforces and extends key language
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- 新功能介紹 作者: Carol Read, Mark Ormerod
- 出版社:東華 新功能介紹
- 出版日期:2015/10/22
- 語言:英文
獨家款Tiger Time (3) Activity Book(1-e)排行榜
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